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Steve Hoy

Goodbye, Twitter

I joined Twitter in 2007. I am now leaving, and closing my account. You should too.

I haven’t really been using Twitter very much because it just wasn’t that great, to be honest. But since Elon Musk bought it I’ve been hearing much about how Twitter is descending into a pit of conspiracy-theories, racist and misogynistic horror; and so I did an experiment. I spent several hours scrolling through my timeline. There were a few posts by the people I follow. I know they post regularly, but their entries petered out, until the whole feed was conspiracy theories, thinly-veiled anti-semitic rants, other racist excrement, peans to the great leader Elon; on the whole the kind of things I would not want stuck to the soles of my shoes.

A particular low point was seeing some fan-boy generated image of Elon Musk in a superhero costume. I mean… damn. Words fail me.

Life is too short for this so I am closing my Twitter account. If you want to reach me then you either already know how, or you can use Mastodon. I’m at @[email protected].

What a sad, tragic, waste.